The Bidvest Group Limited ANNUAL INTEGRATED REPORT 2012
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Forward looking statement



The Bidvest Group Limited annual integrated report for the year ended June 30 2012 covers information from all the Group’s divisions and where additional information is available this is clearly indicated. The suggestion is that this review is read together with the information available on the Bidvest website for a comprehensive overview of the Group.

operating in five geographies, the Bidvest world is a dynamic and ever-evolving one. The powerful platform created by over 105 000 employees defining the Bidvest entrepreneurial dnA, while operating within a variety of industries continues, to create exciting opportunities. Bidvest continues to progress on the journey outlined by King III while ensuring increased integration of reported financial, social, governance and environmental information. The annual financial statements are prepared in accordance with International Financial reporting Standards (IFrS), the Companies Act of South Africa and the JSe listing requirements. Bidvest uses the Global reporting Initiative (GrI) framework together with the discussion paper drafted by the Integrated reporting Committee of South Africa as a platform for this integrated report. The GrI (G3) indicator index can be found on our website,

As appropriate, stakeholder engagement has shaped the information contained in the integrated report; please refer to the stakeholder here.

A sustainable business

Sustainability information is maintained, collated and captured by the individual businesses using an online data collation tool. This information is used to identify possible areas of focus for the businesses based on their data collated as well as assisting in target setting and industry benchmarking.

Our approach to sustainability is based on underpinning the specific business strategies while looking for new possibilities which will create opportunities for our people, communities and countries, while ensuring that non-renewable resources are not compromised.

Although Bidvest is a relatively low carbon emitter, those businesses which have a greater carbon footprint are constantly assessing ways in which they can mitigate their emissions and offset emissions as appropriate. Businesses in our services division intend working closely with their respective client bases to seek low carbon solutions. Although carbon emissions have increased year on year, this is largely due to acquisitions and increased business activities. We are pleased to confirm that carbon emissions per r1 million of revenue are steadily decreasing.

Corporate governance

As the custodians of corporate governance, the Bidvest board of directors ensures that the Group adheres to high standards of accountability and ethical conduct and operates according to legislative requirements as well as adhering to the codes and standards of good corporate governance.