JSE Socially Responsible Investment Index
Based on an assessment of the Group’s policies, performance and reporting on economic, social and environmental sustainability, the JSE has reaffirmed Bidvest as a founding constituent of the SRI Index. Bidvest, one of 30 best performers out of 109 listed companies included in the research, is one of 67 constituents of the index. Bidvest was assessed as having a low environmental impact. The index is the first of its kind in an emerging market and the first to be launched by a stock exchange.
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011
The United Nations-sponsored Carbon Disclosure Project provides investors with information about carbon emissions and climate change exposure of the world’s major corporations. Bidvest’s disclosure was ranked highly in South Africa.
Broad-based black economic empowerment
Bidvest continues its drive towards economic and social equity through the process of broad-based black economic empowerment. Transformation is managed at an operational level in the decentralised Bidvest structure and reported and monitored at Group level. The best measure of overall success is reflected in the Group BEE rating which has reached level 3 contributor status under the DTI Codes of Good Practice. |