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Aquazania recycles for impact

Demonstrating its commitment to making a difference in the lives of disabled individuals by engaging in impactful partnerships, Aquazania is facilitating wheelchair ownership to effect positive change.

By partnering with the Sweethearts Foundation, Aquazania was able to launch a campaign for the collection of plastic caps into its large Aquazania bottles. These caps are then sold by the Sweethearts Foundation and the proceeds from the sale are used to purchase wheelchairs for the disadvantaged. Each plastic cap collected, represents not only a material resource but a ray of hope for those in need. By helping organisations and people transform discarded plastic into funds, Aquazania hopes to unlock the potential of recycling to address the basic needs of disadvantaged individuals and communities.

Paul Levine, Aquazania CEO said: "When Latoya Hendricks (HR Executive for the Allied Cluster) approached me with her idea to collect discarded bottle caps for the Sweethearts Foundation I was really excited. It is always so fulfilling to give back to those in need. Even more satisfying is when a business can use its own discarded products to make a real difference in South Africa."

In under a year, Aquazania was able to collect 12,758.2 kg of bottle caps, which were sold for approximately R25,467 — enough to buy  ten standard wheelchairs. Aquazania also donated R40 000 to fund the purchase of two specialised wheelchairs, tailored to meet specific individual requirements.

Paul further stated: "To see the faces of the families and of course the children who received the wheelchairs makes us even more determined to continue with our efforts to build on this exciting project wherever we can."

Jessica Gordon, Operations Manager at Sweethearts Foundation commenting on the partnership said: "Our partnership is not just about the numbers, it is about building a tight-knit community with a shared purpose of spreading joy and helping the underprivileged – all thanks to Aquazania for your continued support."

Latoya Hendricks, HR Executive for Bidvest Allied Services, said: "By prioritising the acquisition of these wheelchairs, we aim to restore dignity and stability to individuals and families who are often unable to afford these basic needs. Through our commitment to social responsibility, we want to demonstrate that even the simplest acts of kindness can have profound and lasting impacts on the lives of others."
